Value Added Services
The sending organization and hosting organization will be responsible for participants’ visa issues. All organization will collectively be responsible for documents and application preparation:
All organizations will ensure that the authorisations required (short/long stay visas or residence permit) are in order before the planned activity takes place.
All organizations will ensure that the authorisations are requested from the competent authorities well in advance.
The hosting organization in the Programme countries will fully assist the National Agencies and the Exclusive Agency.
Mentoring and Support:
The participating organizations will ensure volunteers’ social safety by offering daily help and safety supervision.
Organizations will arrange online service, support for language learning in the youth mobility project.
Organizations will offer pre-departure trainings. In this training, participants will have opportunities to talk about their expectations, develop their motivation and learning objectives, and obtain information on their host country and on the Erasmus+ Programme.
Offer supervision and guidance to the volunteers through experienced staff
Provide personal support during the learning process.
Give volunteers the opportunity to integrate into the local community, to meet other young people, to socialize, to participate in leisure activities, etc.
Encourages contact with other EVS volunteers whenever possible.
Other supports:
Submit applications and bear the financial and administrative responsibilities for the entire project towards the National Agency or the Executive Agency.
Ensure that all volunteers receive the EVS Info Kit and attend the full EVS Training and Evaluation Cycle
Carry out all or some of the administrative tasks of the sending or receiving organizations involved in the projects
Monitoring of the programme:
To support the volunteers with a better experience, the organizations will engage into the programme with three different monitoring dimensions:
Informing. Providing information about programme, subjects, activities and outcomes.
Consulting. After informing, take participants’ ideas and opinions into consideration, and give relative feedback, eventually coming up with final decision.
Co-deciding. Full participation and assistance through the different stages of the programme.
The selection of mentors is based on their professional areas. All of mentors will be selected not only by expertise but also their motivation and dedication to the programme.
Mentoring methodology:
Provide psychology support and help.
Conflict mediation.
Integrating volunteers into local society
Efficient contacts